The PSRA adheres to the Canadian Motorcycle Association's (CMA) rule book. The complete guide can be found below or at this link

Definition: Competition on paved closed course circuits or paved lots to a maximum of 1,600 metres in length. All Road Racing regulations apply unless otherwise specified in the following rules.
(a)Rider Classes
– Youth
– Intermediate
– Expert
– Women
– Spec Over 21 – intermediate and expert riders over 21 (Spec class motorcycles only)
– Spec Under 21 – intermediate and expert riders under 21 (Spec class motorcycles only)
– Formula Over 21 – expert riders over 21 (Formula class motorcycles only)
– Formula Under 21 – expert riders under 21 (Formula class motorcycles only)
(b)Machine Classes
(ii)Pocket Bike Stock maximum 40cc
(iii)Pocket Bike Open maximum 50cc
(iv)Intermediate Spec Supersport
(v)Spec Supersport
(vi)Formula Supersport
(vii)Intermediate Spec Thunder
(viii)Spec Thunder
(ix)Formula Thunder
(xi)Formula GP
(c)Intermediate class is a Non Championship Progressive class. Riders will be moved out of the class once they have obtained a level of competency as determined by the CMA. Open Class riders are prohibited from participating in Intermediate Classes.
Q-201 Machine Specifications
(i)machines are limited to a maximum of 50cc air cooled 2 stroke and maximum 70cc air cooled 4 stroke engines.
(ii)external gearing changes allowed
(iii)carburetor modifications are restricted to changes in needle jet, pilot jet and main jet only
(iv)main jetting is limited to 25% of stock jetting
(v)no slick tires
(b)Pocket Bike Stock 40cc
(i)all spec bikes allowed
(ii)limited to 40cc air cooled 2 stroke engines
(iii)external gearing changes allowed.
(iv)aftermarket tires allowed
(v)aftermarket reeds allowed (no changes to OEM reed cage allowed).
(vi)Chinese pocket bikes may be modified with no restrictions on modifications (OEM engine cases and chassis must be retained).
(c)Pocket Bike Open 50cc
(i)limited to 50cc air cooled 2 stroke engines
(ii)no restriction on modifications
(i)any spec class machine
(e)Spec Supersport
(i)factory built machine using a sport bike style frame
(ii)maximum 50cc single cylinder liquid cooled 2 stroke or maximum 80cc
single cylinder air cooled 2 stroke or maximum 125cc single cylinder air
cooled 4 stroke
(iii)only OEM oversized piston sizes or equivalent permitted
(iv)carburetor modifications are limited to changes to needle jet, pilot jet and main jet only
(v)main jetting is not to exceed 25% of stock jetting
(vi)external gearing changes are allowed
(vii)aftermarket bodywork may be used but must serve in the same capacity as stock, using stock mounting points
(viii)stock gas tank must be used
(ix)aftermarket fasteners allowing for safety wiring purposes allowed
(x)aftermarket brake and clutch levers allowed (stock master cylinder must be used)
(xi)aftermarket brake pad and shoes permitted
(xii)aftermarket foot pegs or modifications to OEM foot pegs allowed (stock mounts must be used)
(xiii)battery, wiring harness and ignition switch may be modified or removed (kill switch must be retained)
(xiv)kick starter and/or shaft and gear may be removed (an effective oil seal must be in place)
(xv)aftermarket clutch springs and plates allowed
(xvi)speedometer and cable may be removed
(xvii)aftermarket handlebars and clip-ons may be used (must mount in stock position)
(xviii)10†to 17†wheels are permitted
(xix)modifications to stock air box allowed
(xx)installation of spacers/tubing, springs and fork oil to stiffen
suspension (stock factory suspension adjustments must be utilized)
(f)Formula Supersport
(i)factory built machine using a sport bike style frame
(ii)maximum 64cc single cylinder liquid cooled 2 stroke, maximum 80cc
single cylinder air cooled 2 stroke, maximum 125cc liquid cooled 4
stroke or maximum 200 cc single cylinder air cooled 4 stroke engines
(iii)10†to 17†wheels are permitted
(iv)no restrictions on modifications.
(g)Spec Thunder
(i)factory built machine using an off road style frame
(ii)all OEM, manufacturer components and engine must be stock
(iii)maximum 125cc single cylinder 4 stroke air cooled engines
(iv)carburetor modifications are limited to changes to needle jet, pilot jet, and main jet only
(v)main jetting is not to exceed 25% of stock jetting
(vi)OEM oversized pistons or equivalent allowed
(vii)external gearing changes permitted
(viii)modifications to stock seat allowed (must retain stock mounting points)
(ix)aftermarket handlebars allowed (must retain stock mounting points with grips above upper triple tree)
(x)installation of spacers/tubing, springs and fork oil to stiffen
suspension (stock factory suspension adjustments must be utilized)
(xi)OEM wheel hubs and rims must be used.
(xii)heavy duty spokes allowed
(xiii)aftermarket DOT tires are allowed
(xiv)1.4 Drum Brake systems may be upgraded to Disc Brakes.
(h)Formula Thunder
(i)factory built machine using an off road style frame
(ii)maximum 65cc single cylinder 2 stroke liquid cooled, maximum 80cc
single cylinder air cooled 2 stroke, maximum 125cc single cylinder
liquid cooled 4 stroke, maximum 200cc single cylinder air cooled 4
stroke engines
(iii)no restrictions on modifications
(iv)Upgrading of Drum Brake system to Disc Brakes is Permitted.
(i)factory built machine using an off road style frame
(ii)Minimum 65cc 2 stroke liquid cooled/140cc air cooled 4 stroke. Maximum 105cc 2 stroke.
(iii)engine modifications permitted
(iv)aftermarket handlebars allowed (must retain stock mounting points with grips above upper triple tree)
(j)Formula GP
(i)factory built machine using a sport bike style frame
(ii)maximum 93cc single cylinder liquid cooled 2 stroke, 150cc single
cylinder liquid cooled 4 stroke, 200cc single cylinder air cooled 4
stroke. Minimum 64cc single cylinder liquid cooled 2 stroke
(iii)no restrictions on modifications
(i)any spec class machine
(ii)open to Intermediate and Expert women riders
Q-202 Licensing
(a)Youth – minimum 6/maximum 9.
(b)Intermediate – minimum age 10. Riders will be moved out of the
intermediate class once a level of competency is demonstrated as
determined by the CMA.
(c)Expert – minimum age 10. Issued to riders with previous road racing
experience or once a level of competency is demonstrated by an
Intermediate licence holder as determined by the CMA.
Age Definitions
– Minimum age is based on the birthday of the rider
– Maximum is the end of the year in which the rider reaches the age.
Q-203 Numbers and Number Plates
(a)all machines must display the riders assigned CMA competition number
(b)competition numbers must be displayed on the front and each side of the
machine either on number plates or affixed to the bodywork.
(c)numbers must be black or white on contrasting background
(d)numbers must be a minimum of 6" high for the front and 3" for the side/ Youth minimum 4" front and 3" side
(e)numbers and plates must have a matte finish and must be legible
Q-204 Starts
(a)When last call is announced riders will have 3 minutes to report to Pre
Grid before the track closes. Anyone not on the track by closure time
will not get a warm up lap and will be gridded behind the others.
(b)In the event of a mechanical problem after staging, the rider is permitted 1 minute to get the machine operational.
(c)When a rider or riders leave the starting line before the signal is
given there will be no restart. The penalty is a minimum of 5 positions
or more at the discretion of the Senior Official.
Q-205 Guidelines for Parking Lot Tracks
(a)The track must be inspected and approved by the Senior Official on race day.
(b)Track definitions must be by tape and markers whenever possible.
(c)Run off, or clear area (no curbstones, parked vehicles) must be
provided at each corner which enables the rider to recover safely if
leaving the track.
(d)Corners should vary and type and degree to provide competitors with a
challenging course and must be indicated by pylons, hay bales, tires,
soft material or bendable stakes, and must be moveable. The use of
motor vehicles is prohibited.
A #1 Plate in the Spec Supersport Class will be awarded to the champion commencing 2011.
Q-207 Tie Breaking Procedure
When an event programme has a multi race format rather than a final for
a class, ties will be broken based on the results of the last race.